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 1. Daniel Kraker  A Look at Arizona's First Congressional District   
 2. Daniel Kraker  A Look at Arizona's First Congressional District   
 3. Amanda Rabinowitz  Five candidates in 16th District Congressional primary expect a battle  (c) 2008, WKSU 
 4. Lewis Katz vs. Steven LaTourette  November 02, 2006 featuring Lewis Katz vs. Steven LaTourette, Debate: Congressional District 14  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 5. Charles Delorean, David McGrew, and Joe Ortega.  April 18, 2006 featuring Debate - Republican: Congressional District 13, Charles Delorean, David McGrew, and Joe Ortega.  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 6. Capri Cafaro, Norbert Dennerll, Jr., Bill Grace, Gary Kucinich, Michael Lyons, Thomas Sawyer, Betty Sutton and John Wolfe  April 26, 2006 featuring Capri Cafaro, Norbert Dennerll, Jr., Bill Grace, Gary Kucinich, Michael Lyons, Thomas Sawyer, Betty Sutton and John Wolfe, Debate - Democratic: Congressional District 13  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 7. Brandon Arnold  Congressional Spending (on Itself)  Cato Daily Podcast 
 8. 15 Year Old Mothers  Congressional Aide  Lodge Breakfast 
 9. Brandon Arnold  Congressional Spending  Cato Daily Podcast 
 10. Radio Singapore International  Perspective: US Congressional Elections  Mediacorp Radio Singapore 
 11. Illinois Congressional Candidates  Congressional Candidates Forum  ONU Special Event 
 12. Leigh Ann Caldwell  Kucinich Fighting to Keep Congressional Seat   
 13. Bretton Woods Committee  Congressional Perspectives on the IMF and World Bank  Annual Meeting 2007 
 14. Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee  Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee   
 15. delivered by Aaron Eckhart  Thank You for Smoking - Naylor Testifies at Congressional Hearing   
 16. delivered by Aaron Eckhart  Thank You for Smoking - Naylor Testifies at Congressional Hearing   
 17. Inside Minnesota Politics  Soldier-Possible Congressional Candidate-Steve Sarvi  Inside Minnesota Politics 
 18. American RadioWorks  Power Trips: Congressional Staffers Share the Road   
 19. William Jefferson Clinton  William J. Clinton - Remarks on Presenting Rosa Parks with Congressional Medal of Honor   
 20. William Jefferson Clinton  William J. Clinton - Remarks on Presenting Rosa Parks with Congressional Medal of Honor   
 21. 2 Scheiben Brot  Shore District  Das Kabinett 
 22. Food Chain Collective  District of Colossus  The Five One - 5109: The Remix Album 
 23. The Motorcycle Club Killer  Mr. District Attorney   
 24. Guardian Unlimited  Lake District  North West Weekends Podcasts 
 25. Hot Natured  Red Light District  Red Light District 
 26. Brett Weston & Anne Wilkes Tucker  Museum District Day   
 27. DUBCNN.COM: Akil  Skill District  Los Angeles Skill District 
 28. DUBCNN.COM: Akil  Skill District  Los Angeles Skill District 
 29. Brett Weston & anne Wilkes Tucker  Museum District Day   
 30. Jonna Lee  The District Sleeps Alone Tonight  Postal Service Cover  
   1 2 3 4 5 6    »
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